Funeral Etiquette

Funerals: Touching is Safe Here

In our culture, touch is too often motivated by

1.)  Desire.
2.)  Demand.

Many don’t know how to touch outside of those two categories.

There’s a rather new interdisciplinary area of study called haptonomy which explores how to touch outside of the desire and demand categories.  Haptonomy is the study of psycho-tactile communication. Psychologist and hospice pioneer Marie de Hennezel writes concerning her training in haptonomy:

One develops and tries to ripen one’s human faculties of contact; one learns to ‘dare’ to encounter another human being by touch.  It may seem foolish to undergo formal training in order to develop a basic human faculty.  Unfortunately, the world in which we all grew up and continue to develop is one that doesn’t encourage spontaneous emotional contact.  Certainly we touch other people, but that’s when the intention is erotic. Other times, the context is impersonalizing, as in the medical sphere, when one is most often manipulating ‘bodily objects.’  What is forgotten is what the whole person may feel. “

There’s touching with desire, touching with demand and — here’s a third option — there’s touching with devotion. Touching with devotion is an ardent recognition of the value of people … it’s not forceful or uncomfortable, rather it’s respectful and produces ease.

There’s one place where the humanizing, respectful and relaxing touch of devotion is seen on a regular basis.

That place is death.

We receive the phone call that so-and-so has died at their home.  We put on our dress cloth, drive to the house and there awaiting us is so-and-so’s family.  We walk in and instead of shaking their hands, we reach for a hug.  And they reach back.

Complete strangers.

At the funeral of so-and-so, family and friends hug and kiss and embrace all day.  It’s those hugs and embraces that somehow make a funeral bearable … they somehow relax the otherwise tumultuous experience of death.

The irony is that a human has to die for true humanity to be found.


Mainstream medicine is catching on to the power of devotional touch.

The University of Miami conducted over 100 studies on the power of devotional touch and this is what they found: Devotional touch can: produce faster growth in premature babies

caused reduced pain in children and adults

decrease autoimmune disease symptoms

lowered glucose levels in children with diabetes

improved immune systems in people with cancer.

Other studies have show that devotional touch can

lower stress levels

boost immune systems

help migraines.

Why do we reserve the life giving power of touch only for death and funerals?

What would happen if we would daily interact with our friends and family like we were at a funeral?

11 Worst and Best Things to Say at a Funeral

I’m often asked, “What are the best and worst things to say at a funeral?”  And it’s a great question to ask because the right words can help speed up healing, while the wrong words can delay the grief process by days, maybe even months.

I stumbled across this list from and thought they were very helpful.  Of course, there may be one or two pieces of advice that should be taken lightly.

The Worst Things to Say to Someone in Grief

  1. At least she lived a long life, many people die young
  2. He is in a better place
  3. She brought this on herself
  4. Edward Cullen does not exist and even if he did, he wouldn’t bite your loved one
  5. There is a reason for everything
  6. Aren’t you over him yet, he has been dead for awhile now
  7. You can have another child still
  8. She was such a good person God wanted her to be with him
  9. I know how you feel
  10. She did what she came here to do and it was her time to go
  11. Be strong

The Best Things to Say to Someone in Grief

  1. I am so sorry for your loss.
  2. I wish I had the right words, just know I care.
  3. I don’t know how you feel, but I am here to help in anyway I can.
  4. You and your loved one will be in my thoughts and prayers.
  5. I have a ton of bacon in my car with your name on it.
  6. My favorite memory of your loved one is…
  7. I am always just a phone call away
  8. Give a hug instead of saying something
  9. We all need help at times like this, I am here for you
  10. I am usually up early or late, if you need anything
  11. Saying nothing, just be with the person

Taken verbatim from the incredibly helpful

If you’d like to share your experiences with what should or shouldn’t be said, please feel free to share.  Or, if you agree or disagree with any of the above suggestions, let me know!

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