Aggregate Death

The Ultimate List of Mortician Themed License Plates

Yesterday, I asked the Confessions of a Funeral Director Facebook community to help me crowd source “mortician / death themed license plates”.  And you guys just casually put together one of the most awesome lists of death themed license plates like it was no big deal.  

So, from the Confessions of a Funeral Director Facebook community community, I proudly present: License Plates

























dead weight



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17 Last Known Photos

After viewing these, I had trouble identifying how they made me feel.  How do they make you feel?

John Candy


Tupac Shakur last-know-alive-photos-celebs-2

Amy Winehouse

Princess Diana last-know-alive-photos-celebs-8

Abe Lincoln last-know-alive-photos-celebs-9

JFK last-know-alive-photos-celebs-10

Anne Frank last-know-alive-photos-celebs-11

Elvis Presley last-know-alive-photos-celebs-13

Steve Irwin last-know-alive-photos-celebs-14

Kurt Cobain last-know-alive-photos-celebs-18



Jim Morrisonlast-know-alive-photos-celebs-24

Biggie Smalls


Jimi Hendrix last-know-alive-photos-celebs-31

John Lennon last-know-alive-photos-celebs-32

Marilyn MonroeMarilyn-Monroe

Heath Ledgerlast-know-alive-photos-celebs-23

Making music from the heartbeat of dying children

This from  Staff reporter-Cincinnati Business Courier

Brian Schreck became the first music therapist at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center almost eight years ago, but only in the last six months has he been recording the heartbeats of critically ill children and incorporating the rhythms into songs.

The beat of a child’s heart can sound like a percussion instrument that’s part of a song.

Sometimes, parents have found solace in listening to the recordings after the death of a child who couldn’t be saved, said Schreck, 33, who lives in Covington.

Schreck has recorded the heartbeats of almost 20 children so far at the hospital in Avondale.

Here’s a moving video about Brian and his specific work with the family of the late 14-year-old, Dylan:

Body Dumping Location Available on Craigslist


You can’t believe everything on the internet.  And you definitely can’t believe everything on Craigslist, but this seems kinda-maybe-sorta real-ish.  Honestly, it does seem real.  I think.

Don’t stuff grandma in the freezer! 

By now you’ve probably heard about the Glen Burnie family that stored their 83-year-old grandmother’s dead body in a freezer:,0,168200.story. It turns out that no law was broken. 

Yep, dumping a body is legal around here. Health care workers and other professionals are required to report deaths, but ordinary citizens are not. And, apparently, no state law prohibits the burial or storage of a body on private property. 

I’m a laid-off Baltimore-area homeowner. After ten months of unemployment, and the future looking even more grim, I’m willing to consider allowing my backyard to be used for body dumping. Call it private burial if you prefer. 

I could probably take a half-dozen bodies without arousing the attention of neighbors. It wouldn’t hurt to have one under the garden too. 

Me: A discreet Baltimore County homeowner with a half-acre of easily tillable property on a quiet dead-end street. 

You: An individual (not a health care worker or other professional required to report a death!) with the awkward inconvenience of disposing of a deceased relative, friend, colleague or acquaintance. 

You must provide your own trash bags, tarp, quicklime, shovel, etc. I might be available to hold a flashlight, but I won’t do any heavy lifting. 

Accidental deaths or natural causes only. I’m not going to get involved in any shenanigans with Omar wannabes. I will not be a participant in, or an accessory to, any sort of crime. 

This is a limited time offer! Act now before the state legislature changes the law! If and when the law changes (measures failed 10 years ago, after the 1999 incident), you’ll be grandfathered, literally and figuratively. 

Price is negotiable. Serious inquiries only. 

For more info: 

Here’s a screenshot of the original ad:



Three Ways Cremains Can Go Out with a Bang

Here are three ways you can go out with a bang


One.  Angel Aire.

Okay, this one isn’t really a “bang” per se, but it is kind of cool and fireworkish.  This from Tumblr user Malformalady:

Scattering ashes after cremation with the Angel Aire. Angel Aire is the only product of its kind intended to accomplish a scattering service in a clean and controlled event. Ashes are loaded into an Angel Aire urn, and with a pull of the release knob, projected upwards like an ascending cloud. The result is a fine cloud of ashes that rapidly rises into the air, an elegant symbol that represents the immortal soul ascending into the heavens.


Two:  The Firework

This from “Heaven’s Above Fireworks”:

Heavens Above Fireworks celebrates the life of a partner, relative or friend.

We arrange special fireworks displays which include a number of unique fireworks designed or modified to incorporate cremation ashes, allowing for a spectacular memorial event and happier farewell.

We offer a variety of professional fired displays. These are planned to meet specific client requests and can be supported by other activities. We also offer other services including rockets for self firing incorporating funeral ashes and these can be supported by other fireworks to create your ownmini display and we can provide the service for pets ashes too.


Three:  The Space Rocket

Again from Celestis

(We) offer four spaceflight memorial options that place a symbolic portion of cremated ashes (cremains) in space, either into Earth orbit, Lunar surface or even into deep space. They utilize true space rockets. All their services include a performance assurance guarantee.

These services are ideally suited to astronomers, those fascinated by space, Star Trek fans and for anyone who had an ambition to travel in a real space rocket.

Join us at our launch events, and help bring the dream of spaceflight to reality by including a portion of your loved one’s ashes aboard our next satellite. About Us…


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