Aggregate Death

The 2008 Men of Mortuaries Calendar

Over-Our-Dead-Bodies-1The Men of Mortuaries Calendar lasted two years.  This 2008 calendar is by far more spicy than the 2007 and it’s also the last edition.  Although, after speaking with Ken McKenzie over the phone (the creator of the 2007 and 2008 calendar), he would consider bringing the calendar back if there was enough popular demand.  Maybe even do a women’s calendar.

On Monday, I’ll also be reviewing Ken’s new book (co-authored with Todd Harra [Mr. January]) “Over Our Dead Bodies”.

All the proceeds from the Men of Mortuaries Calendars, as well as the proceeds from the book go to fighting breast cancer.  So, you can fight breast cancer by buying Ken and Todd’s book and reading their funeral tales.

So, go ahead and buy the book HERE.  But before you do, enjoy these shirtless male morticians.
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13 Things that Make You Say “NOPE”






Shudder.  4 5.

This is a real magazine.  No thanks.  5


Le Van, a Vietnamese man, keeps his “dolled up” wife at his home, long after her death. After Le Van’s wife died and was buried in 2003, he began sleeping on top of her grave every night. When the weather got nasty, he dug a tunnel down to the casket so he wouldn’t get rained on. In November 2004 – more than a year later – he finally dug up the body and took it on home. To keep his wife’s corpse nice and fresh,Van molded her skin with plaster and clay, dressed her up, and put on a little lipstick. In 2009, he reported that she slept on the bed with him, and that his eldest of three children hugged her every night before turning in.



Edgar Allan Nope.   7


There.  I fixed it.  8



A Lenin Cake10


Kittiwat Unarrom, a talented artist from Thailand, uses his skills to create unique loafs of bread shaped like various human body parts.

Kittiwat has experimented with many art forms, from painting to sculpting, but it wasn’t until he had to return home and take over the family bakery that he discovered his true passion – making grotesque-looking bread.






Sending His Ashes on an Ocean Journey

12His ashes made it to Florida! So one of the owners of a hotel, Judi was walking on the beach this morning cleaning up the junk that washed into shore and finds a bottle with a message in it. There is also some sand and 2 one dollar bills. 

Once we get it open and read the notes we find out that it is in fact NOT sand. It is the ashes of this woman’s husband of 70 years named Gordon. She writes that He loved to travel so she sent him traveling in a bottle with a note and money for someone to call home and tell her where he landed. He started at Big Pine Key in March of 2012 and then went to Islamerada where someone found him. They added a note and sent him traveling again and he landed on our beach in Key Colony.

Judi called the wife in Tennessee who was excited to know of Gordon’s travels! Judi added her note, we put him in a rum bottle (you know added a little fun to his trip) with the three notes. We added another dollar in case Gordon travels far and a long distance call is needed. We will be having a memorial service or celebration of his life on our beach later today before sending him on his way again. Via Cochran Mortuary & Crematory


The 2007 Men of Mortuaries Calendar

Over-Our-Dead-Bodies-1There are some really good people in the world.  Some of those really good people also happen to be funeral directors. Kenneth McKenzie is one of those people.

Over the next couple days I’ll be sharing both the 2007 and the 2008 Men of Mortuaries Calendars here on my blog.  I’ll also be reviewing Ken’s new book (co-authored with Todd Harra) “Over Our Dead Bodies”.

All the proceeds from the Men of Mortuaries Calendars, as well as the proceeds from the book go to charity.  So, you can do the world some good by buying Ken and Todd’s book and reading their funeral tales.

Like I said, Ken’s a good guy.

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Post-mortem erection: A quick explaination


Via the source of all knowledge (Wikipedia)

death erectionangel lust, or terminal erection[1] is a post-mortem erection, technically a priapism, observed in the corpses of men who have been executed, particularly by hanging.[2

The phenomenon has been attributed to pressure on the cerebellum created by the noose.[3] Spinal cord injuries are known to be associated with priapism.[4] Injuries to the cerebellum or spinal cord are often associated with priapism in living patients.[2]

Death by hanging, whether an execution or a suicide, has been observed to affect the genitals of both men and women. In women, the labia and clitoris will become engorged and there may be a discharge of blood from the vagina.[citation needed] In men, “a more or less complete state of erection of the penis, with discharge of urine, mucus or prostatic fluid is a frequent occurrence … present in one case in three.” Other causes of death may also result in these effects, including fatal gunshot wounds to the brain, damage to major blood vessels, and violent death by poisoning. A postmortem priapism is an indicator that death was likely swift and violent.[5]


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