Aggregate Death

Stray Dogs Pay Respects at the Funeral of the Woman Who Fed Them

We love it when a family brings the family dog to attend the funeral.  It might seem weird, but when the dog is there, they’re usually able to sense the mood of the gathering and mirror the mood.

It’s as though dogs mourn.  And I’d like to believe that there exists a language of love and grief that can extend to creatures that aren’t human.

This story is Yucatan, Mexico.  Margarita Suarez was known as an animal lover who would feed the stray dogs and cats every morning outside her home (when I was in Mexico, it seemed there were stray dogs everywhere and most of them were treated like rodents).

Suarez was even known to take a bag of dog food everywhere she went, so she could feed the strays as she went about her day.

Although the Google Translate from the website Misiones Online is rather rough, it seems the dogs arrived to the front door of the funeral home.  The Suarez family asked if the dogs were local to the funeral home, and the funeral workers said “no.”  The family asked the funeral home to let them in and the dogs … well, the pictures below show what happened next.

Apparently, the dogs stayed for the funeral service and even followed the hearse from the funeral home to the crematory.






Funeral Fail: The Accidental Casket Trapdoor

The trapdoor works fine.


download (1)

When Funeral Directors Do Good Things

Dan Peeples, the Vice President of Julian Peeples Funeral Homes shared with me this beautiful, little good deed.

He writes,

I was on my way to the church for the funeral of a 36 year old firefighter. As I’m driving the family car, the little 5 year old son says, “Mommy, I thought daddy was going to get me that whoopie cushion toy that I wanted?”

The mom replies “Son, your daddy is in heaven now. Maybe I’ll try to buy you one, some day.”

After I dropped the family off at the church, I made a quick errand down the street to the Dollar Store.

Here is what will be sitting in the car seat when the little boy gets back in the family car, after his daddy’s funeral.



Man Killed by Falling Gravestone


I’m not a fan of huge grave monuments.  Freud talked about them being a phallic symbol of pride (i.e. an afterlife form of dick measuring) and I’d have to agree with him.  Large and grandiose monuments seem to say, “my dead body is more important than your dead body.”

And while large monuments may be superfluous, they can also become deadly.

In the Northern States of the US, when spring comes the ground begins to thaw from the long winter and it becomes mushy and uneven … and, at times, unstable (can anyone say, “Potholes”?)

When there’s a large stone on top of said unstable ground, that stone can fall.

Via The News Station:

THROOP — A man decorating a gravesite for Easter died Monday morning when a headstone fell on him in Lackawanna County.

Police say Stephen Woytack, 74, of Scranton was the man killed at St. Joseph’s Cemetery in Throop.

Throop police say Stephen Woytack was kneeling beside his mother-in-law’s headstone as his wife was on the other side, tying a cross on with string. The stone fell on Woytack, killing him.

Kubilus (the caretaker at St. Joseph’s Cemetery) says each spring when the ground begins to thaw, some of the bases tilt and the stones on top can slip.

“I’ve come over and saw six stones fall from the winter. Winter, and the ground gets soft and the stones fall over and you have somebody come and pick them up.”


10 Pics to Help Us Celebrate the Death of Microsoft’s Internet Explorer

Yes, Microsoft has finally decided to phase out Internet Explorer.


But … I really think this should be celebrated.

We should celebrate because the murder rate should drastically drop as the lack of slow uploads will quell our murderous intentions:


The weapon of mass crashing has been disarmed …


We will no longer be put in this awkward situation …


And you will no longer make us feel guilty:


To be honest, you were never our default browser because you made us want to Office Space rage:


Hopefully, the next gen. of internet users will be able to look at the lowercase “e” and not have this reaction:


Good guy Google Search



Truth be told, we will miss the funny memes you produced:






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