Aggregate Death

She had just lost her son to a work accident. And then this happened …

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Via Liftable

Michelle is a mother who recently was forced to deal with some tragic news. Her 19-year-old son, Blaine, was killed in an accident where he worked. The kind and loving young man was taken much too soon and no parent should have to go through that. Michelle continues to raise and support her three other children.


Death Facts: Part 71















I had the business line put into my cell phone during the evening while my grandfather, who normally answers the phone during those hours, took his Harley-Davidson Soft Tail on an hour’s run around the county.  As funeral directors we deal with an extra amount of stress and we have to find ways to relieve our stress in a constructive way lest it erupt in a destructive fashion.  For my grandfather, even at the age of 77, nothing chases the stress away like the sound and freedom of his Harley.

Within about 20 minutes, I had taken a few standard business calls from people wondering how they could get more death certificates, others calling for times of funeral services and then I got a call from a hospice nurse.  She said she was on her way to the Jones’ house to pronounce a Mrs. Loretta Jones and that the Jones family wanted to use our services.  The nurse gave me the address of the home and the phone number and told me to give her about a half-hour so she could console the family and fill out her paper work.  (As a side note, hospice nurses are really some of the finest representations of the human potential for goodness.  Their nature nearly transcends that of humankind and borders the angelic.   I’ve never met one nurse who hadn’t garnered the utmost respect from the family whom they have served.)

As I was driving in my truck to the funeral home, I kept feeling like I knew the name “Loretta Jones” but I couldn’t put a face to the name.  After I pulled the wagon out and loaded it with the stretcher, I still had some time so I looked up the address on Google Earth just to see if I would recognize the house.  I zoomed in on the house and then it hit me.  Mrs. Jones was the mother of one of my friends from way back in middle school.  Immediately following this eureka moment, I thought, “but that doesn’t make sense, she’s barely in her 50’s and I hadn’t even heard she was sick.”

I pulled into the Jones’ drive way, walked into the house and to the living room where she was laying and realized I was right … it wasn’t her, at least not the same Mrs. Jones I remembered as a child.  After fighting cancer for two years, and going without food the final month of her life, she was barely 75 lbs.

Even though the family had known the inevitably of her death for nearly two months prior, they were all weeping and wholly dejected.  It was as though they had placed all their money on a prize fighter during a title game boxing match and had watched their boxer get beat the entirety of the 12 rounds.

They placed their money on a good one too.  She fought the cancer so hard that on-looking people outside the family began to wonder why she just didn’t give up the battle.  Still in her right mind, she responded to the criticism by stating that the longer she stays alive the more chances she’ll have to tell others how good God has been to her; ironic words coming from a terminal cancer patient.

Three days later, after about 500 people poured through the viewing lines, the service began.  The preacher spoke.  Then Loretta’s only son – my buddy from middle school – got up to share a few of his thoughts.  He started out by saying that, as a child, he had learned the lesson that life is unfair.  And he began to enumerate how his mother was always there for him at his basketball games, how she would bring his lunch to school if he forgot it, and how she passed her love onto him in an extraordinary way.  For him, he concluded, he had received an unfair share … that is, he had the opportunity to have a wonderfully loving mother for 27 years of his life, something that not everybody gets the fortune to have.  Despite his mother’s untimely death, he knew that the wealth of love she gave him had been exceedingly more than most people get in two lifetimes.  The lesson he learned as a child had been proven true … except he had received a greater portion than most.

Maybe next time we are tempted to think that life is unfair, we should remember what we have already been given.  Fairness, after all, is a matter of perspective.  And the right perspective is viewing each day as a privilege and not an entitlement; recognizing each act of love as a genuine miracle.


Death Facts: Part 70














Do you believe in ghosts?

Most of us who live in the 21st century assume that the mysteries and wonders of the world have a natural explanation.  When we’re sick, we no longer attempt to cast out the spirit of sickness … we go to our doctor.  We tend to believe that the natural world is caused by natural processes that science can or will explain.

But … ghosts.

Many of us … if not all of us … believe in ghosts.  Even the staunchest believer in naturalism will admit to having experienced “something” one time or another.

I’m a skeptic.

Let’s get that out of the way.  I’ve been around dead people enough to know that weird things happen and that those weird things can often be attributed to psychological stress and grief.  In fact, I think much of this spirit sensing is due to death denial.  We’ve made death so invisible that our lack of proper death ritual allows the “spirits” to hang around and go unburied.  And what isn’t psychological stress is probably a combination of

magical thinking,



and / wishful thinking.


While it’s healthy to ASSUME that every mystery and unexplainable sensation has a natural cause, it’s also reductionistic to be CONVINCED every unexplained mystery can be explained naturally.  There are thousands of smart, stable people who have had “ghost experiences.”  And I’m not gaslighting or trivializing them just because their experience doesn’t fit mine.

I’ve felt things that I can’t explain.  I’ve never seen a ghost, but at times there’s a presence of … something.

And apparently, I live in a HAUNTED HOUSE!!!!!!!!!

A friend of ours recently came over to our house for the first time.  And when she walked in, she said, “I have a gift. I don’t want to frighten you, but I identify two spirits dwelling in your house. They’re kind spirits … not evil. I just thought you should know.”

We’ve heard stories about our house.  And we’ve had well over a dozen people tell us that our old house is haunted (I’m not kidding).  And like I said, I’m skeptical because I’ve yet to meet the residents.




For those of you in the know, is there any kind of “ghost etiquette” I should be aware of?  Since I’m housemates with two of them, and I don’t want to offend, I’m looking for some tips.  I assume I’m no longer allowed to watch Ghostbusters?




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