The unreasonable love of a mother

© 2007 Tanel Teemusk, Flickr | CC-BY-SA | via Wylio
The doctor told her
“This pregnancy can kill you.
Your body likely can’t carry to term.”
“Nobody knows you’re carrying
There will be no shame
No guilt if you terminate.”
“Even if people knew
They would understand . . .
Think about your husband
Your parents
Your family and
Your friends.”
She knew,
of course she knew
Everyone knew
She wouldn’t, couldn’t conceive
This wasn’t suppose to happen
This wasn’t planned.
Her disease, her body
Couldn’t take a pregnancy.
“Talk it over” the doctor said.
“This isn’t an easy decision”
He said.
But in her heart
She made up her mind.
She would risk her life
For the slim chance of birth.
I imagine it wasn’t popular
there were empty platitudes
I imagine words were spoken
Behind her back and
To her face.
We can’t always explain love
Love doesn’t always listen to sense.
Today, love laid in her casket
Today, love packed the church
Today, love poured out in tears
Today, a one year old
stole a last look
At the one who gave her life
The one who gave her love.
Because the unreasonable love of mothers
Is the meaning of history