Eight Vintage Caskets to Die For
This catalog is full of a number of caskets, coffins, vaults and other sundry items of interest that were sold by “Paxson Comfort and Co.” in 1898. It was given to us by a recently deceased friend whose father-in-law had been an undertaker at the turn of the century.
I paged through it and found some of the more interesting items of sale.
In 1898 many of the caskets/coffins didn’t have hinged lids like the ones today. Instead, like the one below, they had a looking glass on the lid. You could see the deceased’s face through the looking glass.
Beware the grave robbers. Bwahahahaha! Yes, grave robbers were a legitimate fear, especially for the wealthy and/or famous. In fact, Abe Lincoln’s grave was nearly robbed, but the plot was foiled by a police informant.
Out of the nearly 100 caskets / coffins in the Paxton Comfort Co. book, there are only a handful that had a hinged lid like this one; most of the caskets had lids that would come completely off. This is a full couch, which is what we generally use in the Southeastern part of Pennsylvania.
This is a variation of the half couch casket, which is what many funeral homes use in the United States.
Paxton Comfort also offers funeral fur rugs. I have no idea what they were used for. Honestly, they look horrible.
I want this casket. I’d set it up in my living room and just marvel at it’s craftsmanship. “Honey, instead of watching Netflix tonight, let’s grab some popcorn and stare at ‘Design 48’.” It looks like something Dracula would fancy.
This is another beautiful piece. I imagine it was hand-carved. It’s so beautiful, how could you bury it? I kinda pity the craftsman who worked tirelessly on this gorgeous piece of wood only to have a family purchase it, put a dead person in it and put it in the ground.
For under $65, you can get an ice box … a human ice box. For the bodies that were not embalmed, you could place said body in an “ice box” and let the coolness slow down the decomposition of the corpse.
You can also buy a chic embalming satchel. I’m thinking that after a couple uses those satchels would be stained a permanent dark crimson.
This is pretty cool. The side folds down so you can see grandma’s hips.
The casket for the uber Christian. The purchase of this casket guarantees a ticket to the celestial paradise.