The Feels and Funnies: 13 Death Related Photos I Found on the Internet
1. I would go. Free pizza and death. It’s a no brainer.

2. Via Growing Bolder: After watching her husband, mother, father and mother-in-law suffer lingering deaths, 81-yea-old grandmother Joy Tompkins got ‘Do Not Resuscitate’ on her chest and ‘PTO’ (Please Turn Over) on her back.
Tompkins, who lives in Norfolk in the UK says, ‘I do not want to be half dead, I want to be fully dead. It might have been different when I was 51 but I am 81 now. Everybody has to die sometime but I do not want to end up as a vegetable. I am afraid that the medical profession will, with the best of medical intentions I hope, keep me alive when I don’t want to be alive. I don’t want to lie for hours, months or even years before dying. I don’t want my family to remember me as a lump.” — 
3. From Imgur: “My grandma wanted to see the ocean one last time before checking into hospice. Her face says it all.”
4. “Everything can be completed in the comfort of your own home.” Hmmmm. This kind of sounds suspicious to me : / 
5. Neil deGrasse Tyson dropping truth bombs.
6. Just when you thought Nicolas Cage was immortal, he goes out and buys a pyramid tombstone. Via Examiner 
7. Kimberly shared this picture with me on my “Confessions of a Funeral Director” facebook wall. Keep it classy, Dignity.
8. This is actually a REALLY good deal. 
9. From Garth:
10. Best Halloween party setup ever
11. Ever since I was a child (Chronicles of Narnia fan), I’ve loved C.S. Lewis.
12. This is me at the 2014 National Funeral Directors Association Convention in Nashville (I led a session on social media and transparency). Alkaline hydrolysis anyone?
That shiny thing behind me is a resomator. I know. You’re jealous. #nfda2014