Sharing in the Grief of Stillbirth through Photography
This from Love Song Events and Photography:
WARNING- these images are extremely emotional. The family wishes for these to be shared in their child’s memory. This death was EXTREMELY unexpected and tragic. I am asking you all for your prayers. Emily (the mother) will be released from the hospital today and have to go home to a house full of baby items. She will have to walk into her daughter’s nursery and relive this nightmare for the rest of her life. Please stop and pray for them. I said on Friday, “No matter what anybody says about grief and about time healing all wounds, the truth is, there are certain sorrows that never fade away until the heart stops beating and the last breath is taken.” And I meant that. NO FAMILY deserves this unbearable pain. The Staley’s rest assured knowing they will be reunited with their sweet baby girl one day soon, but until that day comes they struggle thinking life will ever have some normalcy. They would like their story to be shared; they hope to bring comfort to other families out there that have also experienced such tragedy. They want their daughter’s life to be remembered.
Here are the pictures of the Staley family and their daughter Monroe Faith from Love Song Events and Photography